theme design

Using the first image in a WordPress post as featured image

I am a hobby photographer and I like to show and share my “work”. WordPress introduced the “featured image”-feature in version 2.9 (as “post thumbnail“) which is fine for displaying an image that is somehow hooked to an article or blog post, or even a page.

Post Thumbnail, now Featured Image, is an image that is chosen as the representative image for Posts, Pages or Custom Post Types. The display of this image is up to the theme.

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Giving side by side div same height

I believe that anybody that was involved in developing website at least once, was wondering how you could give two or more DIV containers the same height. Usually this problem occurs if you cannot or do not want to give those containers their height in absolute pixel values. Obviously, there are different approaches for a column layout to achieve this. One of them being the Faux-Column-Technique that uses a vertically repeated background image.

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